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All about Moving abroad - New Zealand, Australia


by 나현대 2017. 6. 2. 15:59



A guide to moving to New Zealand


Permanent resident
Within five years after receipt of the permit, you will be able to clear customs within five years. Only five years after the five-year stay in Korea, you will be entitled to clear customs clearance.


Employment visa
Only one year of visa validity is required to qualify for duty free entry.


Long term business visa
Only nine months remain before the visa expires.


If you have stayed in Korea for more than 21 months, you will be entitled to free customs clearance.


In case of a visa, such as VISIT visas, foreign language, and guardian visas, the amount of taxes on the VALUE Per Child is about 20 %.

If all documents required for customs clearance are cleared, a total of 20 to 25 % of the cargo VALUE will be charged. Especially in Korea, washing machines and refrigerators can cost up to 400 %. The shipper must arrive in advance before arrival in New Zealand before shipment, and if all documents are prior to shipment, it may be greatly helpful to deliver the goods to the desired date of shipment.


Any new item requires tax payment. If you have a new item, you must notify the person in advance before reducing the tax to a minimum. Customs clearance is not required for customs clearance at Customs clearance, and customs duties are carried out at the local office of the shipper.


Customs clearance takes about 3-4 days from the date of filing documents.



Shipping period


Shipping periods vary depending on the shipping schedule and local conditions, but the date of delivery of packages from Korea to New Zealand AUCKLAND will require approximately 30 to 37 days.


Prohibited and restricted items


Prohibition of import product

Seeds, honey, ganoderme, mayonnaise, and meat, Gomtang soup, Foods that contain milk containing milk, such as fresh seaweed and raw fish, are discarded and cost effective.

※Warning If the red chili powder is turned off, you must remove the seeds completely.


Significant item


A dusty article
Vacuum cleaner (remove dust filters), tents, hiking boots, bicycle wheels, golf mats, bamboo mats (cleaned items made of bamboo, etc.), cushion, etc.
Dirt or dust is covered in dirt, causing the cost of heat treatment to occur.


Medicines such as pharmacy pills, etc.
Due to the strict procedure for analyzing components, it is advisable not to take them as long as possible.


Ornaments such as ivory and horns are also subject to quarantine conditions.


Booze or cigarettes
It is advisable to bring it in, but not to take it. Must be mandatory and are difficult to examine. (Need details of items, such as type, capacity, quantity, purchase price, etc.) Taxes are levied, and quantity is not allowed.


Quarantine target

Food, Kitchen, Refrigerator, Kimchi refrigerators, and Content References


*New Zealand is a strict country with its own unique ecosystem. The cost of the MAF is always present.


Vehicle shipment guidance


Pre - mail is available, but before shipping, you must check whether the entry is possible with the chassis number prior to shipment.
Taxes are imposed on only 12.5 % of the income tax and incurring a separate cost of repair and inspection costs.


Guide for your pet


Pets are not allowed to come in.



A guide to moving to Australia


Tourist visa
Even though a small amount of goods are subject to short-term studies, it is possible to clear customs clearance, and consult with local representatives.


Citizens, permanent residence, diplomats and other visas

You can submit your passport, visa, stamp stamps and customs documents to customs. However, residents and citizens residing in Korea must live in Korea for at least six months according to their quotas. If you send goods after a year, you will need to submit your order to the customs department according to the quantity of baggage.


If the required documents are not required for customs clearance, approximately 25 % of taxes and GST will be imposed.


Before arrival, the shipper must enter the local area before shipment. As of February 2006, when the shipper has been unable to quarantine the shipper, the shipper must store the goods in the local bonded warehouse if the shipper arrives later than the ship arrives. This means that the shipment is delayed due to late entry, so you can ship the shipment to your shipment schedule to prevent additional expenses. In case of a small quantity of a small quantity, a small amount of storage can be stored in a single month, but if there is a heavy load, there will be a storage cost.


Customs clearance is not required for customs clearance at Customs clearance, and customs duties are carried out by the shipper at the office of the shipper. However, if you are not qualified to enter customs clearance or submit a letter to the customs department, you can proceed faster by attending Customs.


Customs clearance takes approximately 7 to 10 days (customs clearance and quarantine) from the date of filing documents.




Shipping period


The shipping period depends on the shipping schedule and local conditions, but it takes about 35 days for the delivery of the goods from Sydney to Toronto, Australia.


Prohibited and restricted items


Weapons, firearms, drugs, meat, rice, and grain are strictly prohibited.


food and drink

- Food Made for Commercial Food, Cooked Food, Food Materials
- Nuts, vegetables, etc.
- Ramen, packaged food
- spices such as herbs and red pepper powder

- Herbal medicine, traditional medicines, potions, traditional tea (included royal jelly)

- Snack, cookies, cakes, candies, etc.
- drinks made from tea, coffee, cocoa and other dairy products
- Kimchi, salted fish, pickled radish, hot pepper paste, bean paste

- Seafood, squid, salted fish, salted seafood, and raw seafood

- Food wrapped in vegetable materials or seaweed, Green seaweed, Dried sea mustard, Leaf, etc.


Dairy products and egg products

- All dairy products including cheese, sauce, and soup

- Any product containing more than 10 % of the dairy ingredients in the materials (including dried products)

- In-flight meals such as milk, yogurt, and cheese

- Eggs (dried or powdered), egg noodle, mayonnaise, soup, spices, etc.

- If you travel with children, milk powder and dairy products from New Zealand are permitted.


Living animal and animal products

- feathers, bone, horns, ivory, leather, leather, fur
- Wool and animal hair : wool rug, wool cover, wool, craft, etc.

- stuffed animals and stuffed birds need some Certificate of permission for stuffed item. (some may be prohibited by extinction law)

- Shell, coral : jewelry and souvenirs (coral reefs are prohibited from extinction by law)

- Honey bee items : Honey, royal jelly, wax are prohibited.

- Used animal equipment : included Animal hospital equipment and chemicals, eqipment used for cutting or selling meat, sella turcica, animal's house, birdcage

- All mammals, birds, A bird egg, nests of birds, reptiles, amphibians, amphibians, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects.

- deer blood, Antler : New Zealand deer products that are marked New Zealand are permitted.


Plant products

- Tree products and wood products : include coating paint products (The bark of the tree is prohibited from entering, and may be confiscated or insured)

- herbal medicines containing vegetable ingredients, decorative items made from plant ingredients, handicrafts, and collections

- Plant material, palm leaf or plant leaves, bags, and other products (prohibited by banana tree)

- baskets and furniture made from bamboo, rattan, or cane stems
- popuri, Coconut rind
- Products containing seeds or seeds

- Straw goods or Packing materials

- Dried flowers and flower arrangement : Do not bring flowers that can grow from stem, carnation, flower, etc.

- Root plants, parts of plants, roots, grains, stalks, and other plant materials that are not contained in plants.


Other products

- Biological samples containing tissue embryoid

- handcraft objects crafted from plant and animal materials

- Used sports camp equipment : tent, bicycle, golf, fishing gear, etc.

- Shoes, boots contaminated with dirt, or vegetable ingredients.

- Equipment used for drinking water rafting equipment : fishing gear, kayak, oars, etc.


Application of special receiving conditions

- In case of alcohol, you can report it and send it by taxes. (INVOICE VALUE X 150 ~200 %)

- Packaging costs will occur if you place a package in the ramen box with a fruit box or cow.Therefore, you should never wrap it up.

- In the case of food, it is possible to place the ingredients in a container where the origin or ingredients can be displayed.
If you are immersed in homemade packaging, you may incur fines and fines.

- Tax rates when sending new products (based on the amount notified by shipper) : tax + GST 10% + Other Inspection Costs 3-4% / Industrial goods (including household appliances and furniture) /  clothes 38%


Vehicle shipment guidance


The vehicle may be brought into service as a moving cargo. However, prior approval for approval of vehicle imports is difficult, the cost of fixing the handlebar position is adjusted for approval, and the tax clearance is too high. In conclusion, it is cheaper to purchase locally than to drive the vehicle. It is also prohibited from importing vehicles with an air conditioning charge that has been charged with a CFC of 1.6 per Australian environment. When replacing refrigerant agents, cost approx more than 1,000 AUD. 


Guide for your pet


There is no way to bring a pet dog that was raised in Korea directly to Australia. Only three months after the third country (Singapore et al., etc.) is raised, and the certificate of receipt and registration under the Health and Safety Act can be obtained.



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